
Aaron Cassidy: I, purples, spat blood, laugh of beautiful lips

Adrianne Munden-Dixon: Zastrugi

Alan Hovhaness: Chahagir

Alan S. Tofighi: Psychic Hold/Tychic Drift III: Memory Cone & Phantasms of the Living Room for PEAR REG, alpha wave, electronics, and home appliances

Alec Goldfarb: No reading / if this were ever sounded

AL-EK: untitled

Alexander Dupuis: [live online]

Allen Riley: Synchronization Station

Alvin Lucier: Charles Curtis

Alvin Lucier: Disappearances

Alvin Lucier: Music for Snare Drum, Pure Wave Oscillator, and One or More Reflective Surfaces

Amadeus Julian Regucera: Absence in relief (audio and visual studies in intimacy)

Amirtha Kidambi: From Untruth

Amirtha Kidambi: interview

Anahita Abbasi: Distorted Attitudes IV / Facile Synthesis

Anahita Abbasi: Situation IV / Io E iO

Andrew C. Smith: all description all delay

Andrew C. Smith: How To Get There From Here

Andrew C. Smith: In the sense of transparence

Andrew C. Smith: Reconstruction

Andrew C. Smith: Topology A/∀

Andrew C. Smith: Topology (contriving balance)

Andrew C. Smith: Topology (phases of this difference)

Andrew C. Smith: We remember not the word, but the sound of the word

Anna Friz: [live]

Anna Friz: Media Landscapes

Anna Friz: Outside


Ann Altstatt & Kyle Lane-McKinley: This Location Is Moving / This Location Has Moved

Anna Luisa Petrisko: new work

Anna Luisa Petrisko: Workshop: RICH GLITCH

Anne La Berge: Utter

Anthony Donofrio: Mind

Anthony R. Green: Dance (Stomp) – improvisation

Anthony R. Green: Empathy I: Diamond Reynolds (2017)

Anthony R. Green: Evocation (2018)

Anthony R. Green: Movements in Movement and Sound

Anthony R. Green: Rest in Power, a survival song (2018)

Anthony R. Green: Your Voice Is What Remains

Anthony Vine: Worshipful Company

Antoine Beuger: ...of being numerous

Arrington de Dionyso: [live]

Asha Tamirisa: [live]

Asha Tamirisa: live

Asha Tamirisa: Outside

Asha Tamirisa: to ocean

Ashley Bellouin & Ben Bracken: Hummen

Ashley Bellouin & Ben Bracken: Two Harmoniums for Paul

BEARPAD: The Hugging Tree

Beau Sievers: Distance Etude 1

Beau Sievers: Distance Etude 2

Beau Sievers: Distance Etude 3

Ben Bennett: [live]

Ben Richter: Healing Ghost

Ben Richter: Rewild

Ben Richter: Wind People

Blake Andrews: I Seem Agical

bLectom from bLechdom: [live]

brd flk flk: [live]

Brian Baumbusch: Hydrogen

Brian Baumbusch: Hydrogen(2)Oxygen

Brian Baumbusch: Mikrokosma

Brian Baumbusch & Wayne Vitale: Mikrokosma

Brian Parks: all the trichords in a seven-letter alphabet where order matters and no voice sounds the same pitch consecutively

Brian Parks: spatial dyadics for human hexachord

Brian Parks: square canon for four like voices

Brian Parks: Stagger Canon for Eight Singers

Bryn Harrison: A Coiled Form

Byron Westbrook: Live at Radius Gallery (Excerpt)

Byron Westbrook & Alex Pelly: [live]

Cara Haxo: Exercises

Carl Testa: Two Sections

Carmina Escobar: Closing Event with the crowd and Ringer of Sea (K C M Walker)

Carmina Escobar: Feast of Beams, Keepers of Light

Carmina Escobar: The Light That Heals

Carmina Escobar: The Voices From Within Into The World

Carolyn Chen: Adagio

Carolyn Chen: Signs of Struggle

Carolyn Chen: This is a Scream

Carrie Frey: Seagrass/Reed

Casey Thomas Anderson: [live]

Casey Thomas Anderson: [live online]

Casey Thomas Anderson: NO TITLE [NO AIR]

Casey Thomas Anderson: seeking spirits (a mapping ritual)

Casey Thomas Anderson: snow(2)

Casey Thomas Anderson: TALK RADIO (an opera)

Casey Thomas Anderson: white space

Casey Thomas Anderson: Workshop: Edible Instruments

Casey Thomas Anderson: Workshop: Various Interference Procedures With Radios

Caspar Sonnet & Kozue Matsumoto: [live]

Catherine Herrera: Grandma Spirit Doll of Light

Catherine Lamb: interius/exterius

Catherine Lamb: matter/moving

Catherine Lamb: muto infinitas

Catherine Lamb: open-scape

Catherine Lamb: Prisma Interius VIII

Catherine Provenzano: Talk: Pitch Correction Software and Vocal Ecology

Celeste Oram: Trans-Pacific Partnerships: A Radio Séance

Chiyoko Slavnics: Her Teeth Were White

Chris Duncan: Live at Radius 9/16/17

Chris Kallmyer: Mountain Language

Chris Peck: Growth and Fairness

Chris Peck: Growth and Fairness (Excerpt: The Sound of America)

Chris Peck: [live]

Chris Peck: Lovers' Telethon / Lovers' Noose

Christopher Goddard: And Chase

Christopher Williams & Charlie Morrow: Arcanum 17

Clay Chaplin: [live]

Colin Tucker: this title refers to a counterproductive piece of private property

Craig Shepard: Daniel (I)

Craig Shepard: Vallorbe, le 23 juillet 2005

Crystal Quartez: [live]

Daniel Allas: aura

Daniel Meyer O'Keeffe: [live]

Dan VanHassel: Sea Change

David Bird: Bezier

David Bird: Squeem

David Dramm: Telemachus

David Dunn: [ultrasonic bat sounds]

David Dunn: Whittling I

David Dunn & Mustafa Walker: [live]

David Kant: After the Gold Rush

David Kant: Born to Run

David Kant: Crazy

David Kant: In the Air Tonight

David Kant: It's a Man's Man's Man's World

David Kant: Jungle Boogie

David Kant: Like a Prayer

David Kant: Listening to Distance

David Kant: Paths Through an Ordered Field

David Kant: Ring of Fire

David Kant: Suspicious Minds

David Kant: The Great American Songbook

David Kant: thirteen random specific points

David Kant: This Guy's in Love With You

David Kant: Thresholds and Fragile States Revisited

David Kant: (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman

Dean Rosenthal: Perfect for String Noise

Declan Siefkas: The Grove of the Ancients

DeForrest Brown, Jr.: Techxodus [Live Prototype]

Delicate Sen: live

Desert Magic: [live]

Deso Duo: [live]

Devin Maxwell: Cloudseeding 4

die Reihe: Housed

Dolphin Midwives: [live]

Dominic Coles: Alphabets 2

Dominik Karski: Certainty's Extent


DunkelpeK: [live]

Ecstasy Mule (Len 37 and Casey G): The Audience vs Ecstasy Mule vs John Cage vs Ecstasy Mule vs The Audience

Eliane Radigue: OCCAM IX

Eli Klausner: The Garden of Forking Paths

Eliot Burk: Four Guitar Reductions

Elizabeth Adams: CUSP (the music for the noise)

Elizabeth Adams: daylight, housing crisis, touch

Elizabeth Adams: Let haze help you hear you hear us

Elizabeth Adams: Rasp Scours Gleam

Emily Koh: emojicons

Emily Praetorius: Fits and Starts

Emily Praetorius: Immensity Of

Eoin Callery: Music for Strings

Eric Wubbels: Auditory Scene Analysis II

Eric Wubbels: INTERBEING

Erik Carlson: Double-Quartet

Erik DeLuca: Talk: History Misinterpreted Into Stone

Erma Fiend: Screensaver / ScreenSaveHim: Animation and the fluidity of time, gender, & embodiment

Fausto Romitelli: TrashTvTrance

Felicia Rice: Heavy Lifting

Fjola Evans: Dogged

folded worlds: [live]

Francesco Gagliardi: Untitled January

Fraufraulein (Andy Guthrie / Billy Gomberg): [live performance]

Fraufraulein (Andy Guthrie / Billy Gomberg): Remarks on Color

Fred Turner: Talk: Machine Politics: The Rise of the Internet and a New Age of Authoritarianism

furniture Daniel: [live]

gabby fluke-mogul & Tom Weeks: [live]

Gabriel Saloman: [live]

Gabriel Saloman: Myriad of Suns

Gabriel Saloman & Mustafa Walker: [live]

George Brecht: Comb Music (Comb Event)

George Lewis: String Quartet 2.5 "Playing with Seeds"

Gerald Casel & Tim Russell: Workshop

Gerard Grisey: Prologue

Giacinto Scelsi: Arc-en-ciel

Giacinto Scelsi: Hyxos

Gleb Kanasevich: [live]

Hannah Kendall: Tuxedo: Crown; Sun King

Happy Valley Band: (live)

Heinrich Biber: Sonata VI from 8 Sonatas

Heinrich Biber: Sonata VI “The Agony In the Garden,” from Rosary Sonatas

Heinrich Biber: Sonata XIV “The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin,” from Rosary Sonatas

Heinrich Biber: Sonata X “The Crucifixion,” from Rosary Sonatas

Henry Birdsey: [live]

Hugo Morales: Modes of Assisted Ventilation

Isola Buhawi: Engkanto / Environmental Spirit Act I

Isola Tong: Ghost Calligraphy

Jaap Blonk: Dr. Voxoid’s Next Move

Jack Callahan (die Reihe): 106 Kerri Chandler Chords

Jack Callahan (die Reihe): Edge of Intention (I)

Jack Callahan (die Reihe): Miniature (Intention)

Jack Callahan (die Reihe): Miniature (Intention)

Jack Callahan & Jeff Witscher: What Happens on Earth Stays on Earth

Jacob Lane: Diaphane I

Jacob Lane: Experience and Memory

James Ilgenfritz: Alien Generator

James Ilgenfritz: Apophenia V: Outmoded Large Crumbling Oval Lime-Green Midwestern Plastic-Frame Reading Glasses

James Ilgenfritz & Kyle Bruckmann: [live]

James Tenney: Critical Band

Jannik Giger: Contaminare

Jasna Veličković: Shadow Study 4a

Jason Brogan: duet (Rien que nous deux nous traînant dans les fleurs.)

Jay Afrisandro: [opera captions]

Jeffrey Treviño: Mexican Apple Soda Paraphrase

Jeff Witcher (Rene Hell): Pathological Sound Music

Jennie Gottschalk: enclosed III

Jessie Cox: The Same But Different

Jessie Marino: Having a Conversation about Truth with a Tea Pot aka, All I know is what the Media Taught Me.

Johanna Beyer: Music of the Spheres

John Cage: Dream

John Cage: Fontana Mix

John Hastings: Text Operations from the Former World, Nos. 1 & 2

John Hastings: tone | field

John Hastings: White (Vermont)

John Hastings & Ben Mayock: The Former World

John Hastings & Ben Mayock: Traces

John Ivers: should/might/will

John King: Klepsydra II

John Krausbauer & Kaori Suzuki: [live]

John McCowen & Madison Greenstone: Mundanas I-XI

John Saint Pelvyn: A Clerical Error In Shasta County Shouldn't have to Ruin a Saturday Night (excerpts from an eternal song cycle)

John Saint Pelvyn: [live]

John Zorn: Passagen

Jonathan Marmor: Monitor

Jon Leidecker: Talk: United Feedback Plus: A Retroactive Manifesto for the Early Decades of American Electronic Music

Jon Myers: Daniel in Chicago

Jon Myers: The Opening of the Mouth Ceremony

Jon Myers & Madalyn Merkey: [live]

Jordan Munson: Those that I Fight I do not Hate

Joseph Davancens: perlin303

Joshua Gerowitz: Dragon Riders

Joshua Morris: Duet for Doublebass and Doublebassist

Julie Herndon: Out of This

Julius Eastman: Gay Guerrilla

Jürg Frey: Colours of Silence

Jürg Frey: Jamanden bei einer Tätigkeit zu hören

Jürg Frey: Les tréfonds inexplorés des signes 36-39

Jürg Frey: Les tréfonds inexplorés des signes 40-43

Jürg Frey: Metall, Stein

Jürg Frey: Ohne Titel (2 Violinen)

Jürg Frey: Ohne Titel (Komplexität der Empfindungen)

Jürg Frey: Ohne Titel (Zwei Violinen)

Jürg Frey: Unhörbare Zeit (Streichquarttet & Schlagzeug)

Jürg Frey: Wer macht das Stück?

Juste Janulyte: Psalms

Justin Houser & Noah Alonzo: [live]

Ka Baird: [live]

Kaethe Hostetter: GUZO

Karlheinz Stockhausen: Tierkreis

KAT: The Star

Kate Compton: Talk: The Future is Baroque

Katherine: Camilles

Katherine Young: BIOMES 4.1

Katherine Young: Camilles

KCM Walker: ensemble [from coffin piece]

KCM Walker: forget a sound

KCM Walker: in darkness

KCM Walker: in space

KCM Walker: music for snare drums

KCM Walker: precessional

Keshav Batish: Keshav ki Todi

Keshav Batish & Ashwin Batish: [live]

Keshav Batish & Zoh Amba: [live]

Kirschner Computing: Strategies for Managing Auto-Enactment Disorders, Volume 1

Kristina Wolfe: Karaṇīyamettā Sutta

Kristofer Svensson: Den intimitet som finns i smultron

Kristofer Svensson: Vid stenmuren blir tanken blomma

Kumi Maxson: [live]

Kunal Gupta: Talk: Withfriends

Laetitia Sonami: Of lands and lines

Lara Saab: twirling, not spiraling

Larry Polansky: 329 (6-part round for 3 - 6 voices)

Larry Polansky: 85 Chords

Larry Polansky: Piano Study #5 (for Just Fender Rhodes)

Las Sucias: [live]

Later Days: Oscinegenic Breach

Laura Cetilia: from petrichor

Laura Cetilia: it comes in waves

Laura Cetilia: nestled in the static

Laura Cetilia: sparrow+sine

Laura Steenberge: Byzantine Rites 4

Laura Steenberge: Cathedrals

Laura Steenberge: Chant Etudes

Laura Steenberge: The Heart of Us

Laura Steenberge: Two Ways of Life

Laura Steenberge & KCM Walker: Between Scylla and Carybdis

Laura Steenberge & KCM Walker: [live]

Laura Steenberge & KCM Walker: The Pseudo-Dionysian Hellrite

Lauren McCall: To Cover You

Liam Mooney: the eye that discerns the interiors of things

Liisa Hirsch: Imprint

Liza Lim: Invisbility

Lou Harrison: Air in G Minor

Lou Harrison: Scenes from Nek Chand

Lou Harrison: Serenado

Louis Andriessen: Melodie

Lucie Vítková: Aging No. 1

Lucie Vítková: Aging No. 3

Lucie Vítková: FIVE for solo clarinet and cell phone

Lucie Vítková: Ideas and Techniques

Lucie Vítková: Piece for Accordion and Tap Shoes

LuLing Osofsky: Tikkun olam

Ma'ayan Tsadka: Partial Patterns on a String (i)

Ma'ayan Tsadka: Piano Study No. 1

Ma'ayan Tsadka: Talk: Means of Natural Amplification

Ma'ayan Tsadka: Underwater Museum of Extinct Sounds and Imaginary Water Creatures

Maddi Baird: [live]

Madison Heying: soundwalk

Madison Heying & Ryan Page: [live]

Madison McCartha: The Cryptodrone Sequence

Madre Guía: [live]

Maidens of Delos: Between Scylla and Charybdis

Maidens of Delos: I Put A Spell On You

Manfred Werder: 2006 (1)

Manfred Werder: 20160

Manfred Werder: 20160 & 20170

Manfred Werder: 20170

Manfred Werder & Kevin Corcoran: [the music of history]

Marcel Zaes: Parallel Prints

Marcia Bassett & Samara Lubelski: [live]

Marek Poliks: CIN(shift)

Marguerite Brown: chroai: tetrachords

Marguerite Brown: HEART SCENES

Marguerite Brown: Nonet

Maria Kaoutzani: Chorós

Mario Diaz de Leon: Moonblood

Martin Stauning: Atmende Steine

Matthew Shlomowitz: Line and Length

Mattie Barbier: three lines

Matt Sargent: Second Illumination

Mauro Lanza: La Bataille de Caresme et de Charnage

Maya Bennardo: dormant gardens ii.

Meg Baird & Mary Lattimore: [live]

Mélodie Michel: Offers of Light

Meshuggah: Clockworks (arr. VanHassel)

Micaela Tobin (White Boy Scream): Bakunawa

Micaela Tobin (White Boy Scream): Talk: Dissecting the Amplified Voice

Michael Masaru Flora: [live]

Michael Masaru Flora: Workshop: Intro to SuperCollider

Michael Pisaro: Concentric Rings in Magnetic Levitation

Michael Pisaro: Sonnenfern [harmony series no. 11b]

Michael Pisaro: Unlesbarkeit [harmony series no. 11d]

Michael Pisaro: Wie Jener am Pindar [harmony series no. 11b]

Michael Pisaro: Zwei Finger im Abgrund [harmony series no. 11a]

Michael Winter: dissection and field

Michael Winter: For Sol LeWitt

Michael Winter: mass and band

Michelle Lou: HoneyDripper

Michelle Lou: In a forest

Michelle Lou: [live]

Michelle Lou: [live online]

Mikhail Johnson: Evil's Peak

Miya Masaoka: Four Moons of Pluto

Moor Mother: [new work]

Morton Feldman: Why Patterns?

MSHR: [live]

MSHR: Mesh Manifold

MSHR: Network Entity

Natacha Diels: Operations Manual (Self-portrait)

Natacha Diels: Somewhere Beautiful

Natacha Diels, Sam Scranton, & Zach Moore: Micro-diamond: A House of Gratitude

Natacha Diels, Sam Scranton, & Zach Moore: Please Don't Go

Nezuzot: [live]

Nick Wang: Study for Electronic Ensemble

Nina Dante: Mi cama inundada

Nina Sobell: GammaTime

Object Collection: You Are Under Our Space Control

Olivia Block: The Mountains Pass

Olivia Ronan: subversive topiary

On Structure: [live]

ordinary blood: [live]

Os Keyes: Talk: Benjamin’s Ghost: Gender, AI and the Twisting of Trans Lives

Other Plastics: [live]

Pablo Chin: 7 Studies on Chapter 34

Pablo Rubio-Vargas & Mélodie Around the World: BASSONANCIA

Paige Emery: [live]

Paola Escobar: Passengers of Time

Patrick Higgins: String Quartet #3

Pauline Gloss: Lullabies for the Psychotic

Pauline Gloss: You are a Speaker: Together, Separate, and All-Together

Pauline Oliveros: Angels & Demons

Pauline Oliveros: Environmental Dialogue

Pauline Oliveros: Mountain Air (Arctic Air)

Pauline Oliveros: Single Stroke Roll Meditation

Pauline Oliveros: Sound Piece

Pauline Oliveros: The Extreme Slow Song

Pauline Oliveros: Tuning Meditation

Paul Metzger: Death's Other Kingdom

People Like Us: Notations

People Like Us: The Mirror

Peter Sloan: Pratityasamutpada

Phill Niblock: Ottavio

Phong Tran: Generation

Rachel Beetz: Unofficial


Rama Gottfried: flouresce

Rasheedah Phillips & Camae Ayewa: Black Quantum Futurism (Presentation & Talk)

Rasheedah Phillips & Camae Ayewa: Post-Event Q&A

Raven Chacon: American Ledger No. 1

Ravi Kittappa: Trajectories

R Duck Show: R Duck Show Electronic Music Family Singalong

Renee C. Baker: RAGE (2015)


Repairer of Reputations: [live]

R. Murray Schafer: The Crown of Ariadne

Roarke Menzies: [live]

Rob Cosgrove: Ghost

Robert Ashley: She Was a Visitor

Robert Ashley: The Park (from Perfect Lives)

Robert Ashley: Trio (White on White)

Robert Honstein: Talking in Circles

Roberto Fatal: Chaac and Yum (2022)

Roberto Fatal: Fluid Bound (2020)

Roberto Fatal: Fluids (2017)

Robert Schwartz: [live]

Robin Hayward: Borromean Rings

Ryan Nestor: Crotalus 1

Ryan Nestor: Crotalus 2

Ryan Nestor: RATTLE watch

Ryan Nestor: This is not a Drill

Ryan Page: Study for Gesture Set

Sabrina Schroeder: Stircrazer (curl)

Sahba Sizdahkhani: [live]

Sally Decker: [live]

Sally Decker: Talk: Embodying Non-Control: Feedback Systems and the Emotional Self in Performance

Sam Pluta: Delay/Line

Samson Stilwell: static gives way to real light

Sarah Belle Reid: Spectral/Impulse

Sarah Gibson: The Boys Are There

Sarah Hennies: Contralto

Sarah Hennies: Everything Else

Sarang Kim: Oblivion

Scott Wollschleger: String Quartet #2, "White Wall"

Scott Worthington: A Flame that Could Go Out

Scy1e: (live)

Sharmi Basu (Beast Nest): [live]

Shatter Pattern: nD drop dissolving

Simon Steen-Anderson: Study for String Instrument #1

Sivan Eldar: Solicitations

Sky Macklay: 60 Degree Mirrors

Sky Macklay: Choppy

Sky Macklay: Harmonifriends

Somna M Bulist: I Lay My Heart Open to the Benign Indifference of the Universe

Speak for Change with Thomas Sage Pedersen: Featuring Abi Mustapha and Mak Nova

Speak for Change with Thomas Sage Pedersen: Featuring Sarah Cruse

Speak for Change with Thomas Sage Pedersen: Featuring Taj Leahy and Trianna Feruza

Stephanie Cheng Smith: b-z bowls

Stephanie Cheng Smith: Motor Arrays

Stephanie Huguenin: Para-ll-el

Stratis Minakakis: AGGELOI III

Suzy Poling: [live]

Tamara Duplantis: Atchafalaya Arcade

Tamara Duplantis: Talk: U ARE LOST: Queer Expression Through Abstract Systems

Tashi Dorji: (live)

Tasting Menu: Revenants

Ted Gordon: Talk: The San Francisco Tape Music Center in the Cybernetics Moment

Ted Hearne & Philip White: R We Who R We

Teodora Stepančić: another trio

Teodora Stepančić: Harp n Ropes (No. 4)

The Powers: Sistership TV

Theresa Wong: Letters to a Friend

The Swinging Chandeliers: [live]

Timothy McCormack: HEAVY MATTER

Timothy McCormack: Here is a sequence of signs, each having a sound and a meaning

Timothy McCormack: WORLDEATER

T.J. Borden: Bob Hope Airport Train Station

Tom Baker: Traces: Sarah

Tongue Depressor: [live]

Travis Just: War / Alamo / Lenin / Sciencefiction / Crime / Hell

Tyler Wilcox: Octet

Ulrich Krieger: Connect VII

Volvo 240DL: is that all there is

Wayne Vitale: Water

Weston Olencki: a vine that grew over the city and no one noticed

Weston Olencki: stanchions

Wilfredo Terrazas: Ifigenia en

WOBBLY: (live)

Wolfgang Von Schweinitz: Plainsound Etude III

Yannis Kyriakides: oneirocriticon

Yoko Ono: Pulse Piece

Yoko Ono: Tape Piece II

Yolande Harris: Melt Me Into the Ocean, I

Yolande Harris: Melt Me Into the Ocean, II

Zachary James Watkins: Collaboration w/ RAGE THORMBONES

Zachary James Watkins: [live]