ORGANVM PERCEPTVS: packaging and liner notes
Posted on 3/21/2017

We’ve talked a lot about the music on ORGANVM PERCEPTVS, but we’d like to take a moment to say a few words about the packaging and credit all the artists involved in this work.

Trio with Madonna

First, in addition to 40-something minutes of insane reworkings of pop tunes pressed on vinyl, the package includes some glorious album art. Let’s start with the cover: artist Elizabeth Torrance, after researching and documenting its curves, produced an exact replica of composer David Kant’s left ear, which was photographed by RR Jones.

Record Cover

On the back of the record, you’ll see a 1980s Apple Macintosh, dissected and opened to the elements.

Record reverse

Inside, you’ll see a kalaidoscopic portrait of Madonna, from her video for Like a Prayer, produced by video artist/composer and Happy Valley Band guitarist Alexander Dupuis.

Sleeve front

And of course a wonderfully hand-letted album title by jacket designer Rachel Cassandra.

Record front

Finally, the extensive liner notes (available as a PDF from the Experimental Music Yearbook) detail the process of creating a Happy Valley Band track, designed by Mustafa Walker.
